In a recent livestream, Felix "xQc" disclosed some information about his legal battle against fellow Twitch streamer Sam "adeptthebest," mostly known as Adept by fans. The two had dated on and off for several years and were a power couple back in the day before a public fallout last year. Since then, they have been locked in a long legal dispute over their separation.
Going live on Twitch recently, Felix claimed that Adept's legal team had asked for "millions of dollars" to reach a settlement on the abuse case. Here's what xQc said:
"The story that was in the settlement — we were asked for a sizeable amount of millions of dollars for it to go away."For context, in the same broadcast, he talked about how he had to face allegations of "family violence."
Earlier in the aforementioned livestream, xQc had talked about the allegations of abuse leveled against him by his former partner. Adept had apparently asked for protection, citing violence, which Felix had vehemently denied. Furthermore, the Twitch streamer also told his audience during the stream that the abuse charges were brought before a grand jury.
According to xQc, this grand jury had basically acquitted him after the prosecutors failed to establish "probable cause." This led to the case getting dropped. The streamer stated:
"This went to... another thing about the law. They went to a grand jury, or what not? A grand jury? And other parties in law enforcement. Basically, the whole thing got no build, which means that there is no probable cause to continue further, and it stops right there."He also mentioned that he'd had to talk to a detective for an extended period of time during the investigation, saying:
"There's no warrants, no arrests, nothing. It just kind of stops right there. Yes, there was a detective. I spoke to the detective for hours."Fans of the streamer were relieved to find that he had been freed of the abuse charges. Here are some of the reactions from the streamer-focused subreddit r/LivestreamFail where clips from the livestream garnered a lot of attention.
While fans clearly want their "Juicer" to counter-sue Adept, there is not a guarantee that xQc will do it. However, he has been vocally expressing his displeasure toward his former partner on social media and had some choice words to describe her after she got mysteriously banned from Twitch on October 3.
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